Old Thorntonians Association (CLAPHAM)
Henry Thornton School, Clapham, South London
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Gallery 2
1963: Speech day presentation by Mrs Mann (School Governor) and Mr S W Read. (Photo from Brian Eady, 1962-9)
19 April 1961: Association dinner held at the Chatham Room restaurant, Victoria, to mark the retirement of Mr S V Yorke, who joined the teaching staff (Mathematics) in 1946
14 March 2007, showing the plaque on the south outer wall of Holy Trinity Church, North Side, Clapham Common, has been deliberately left unrestored: it was scarred by the bomb blast which almost destroyed the church in 1945
23 February 2015: group of OTs and relatives during an escorted visit to Lambeth Acadmy, Elms Road; a short report appeared in newsletter no 30 (April 2015 issue)