HTS crest rev 3.7.20.jpg

 Old Thorntonians Association (CLAPHAM)
Henry Thornton School, Clapham, South London

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Current Members

 or, At the 2023 AGM it was agreed to reinstate annual subscriptions, at the original 2006 rates, for one year in the first instance from 1 April 2023. The reason for this decision was given  in the Secretary's email of 1 April 2023; it will be reviewed at next year's AGM.

The following have paid their subscriptions at the relevant rate, £10,  for the y/e 31 March 2024  (or, if applicable, 2025)  based on the records  held by the Treasurer (Peter Greenwod) and Secretary (Ted Hayward). as at 27 February 2024.

If you have any queries, please contactTed Hayward ( in the first instance. He would also welcome new or renewed applications.

David Appleyard (1955-62)

Albert Barnes (1963-70)

Peter Barrell (1957-63)

Ron Bernstein (!959-66)

Chris Bishop (1953-4)

Peter Braithwaite (1957-63)

David Buskell (1957-62)

Phil Campbell (1957-62)

Michael Caplan (1964-71)

Tony Charlton (1964-9)

Geoffrey Clark (1957-63)

Colin Corbey (1955-62)

Terry Dalgleish (1957-64)

Mick Davidson (1950-6)

Brian Davies (1944-9)

Ron Davies (1948-56)

Rob Donkin (1957-64)

Tony Elton (1950-7)

Rodney Emmott (1955-61)

Albert Evans (1958-65)

Michael Gilly (1959-64)

Roger Govus (1955-61)

Jeff Green (1951-8)

Peter Greenwood (1964-71)

Bob Hay (1951-6)

Ted Hayward (1950-7)

Gerald Heather (1959-66)

Peter Hunt (1953-8)

John Jones (1963-70)

David Kay (1958-65)

John Knight (1958-63)

Alan Kurtz (1951-8)

Ray Lampard (1944-9)

Stephen Langley-Hart (1957-61)

Terry Lawlor (1951-6)

Russell Norman-Noakes (1954-60)

Romesh Parikh (1954-9)

Ray (Sammy) Paton (1950-6)

Richard Pointer (1958-63)

Angus Purdie (1942-9)

Henry Randall (1954-9)

Dennis Riches (1934-9)

John Rasmussen (1954-60)

Peter Smith (1962-7)

Ted Smith (1956-63)

David Strachan (1961-6)

Mike Surridge (1947-52)

Peter Tamm (1952-8)

Doug Ward (1938-43)

Peter Wells (1954-60)

Geoff White (1958-65)