Old Thorntonians Association (CLAPHAM)
Henry Thornton School, Clapham, South London
The 2016 reunion was held in the Blue Room at The Windmill, South Side, Clapham Common, on Tuesday 8 November from 12 until 4 pm; 26 OTs attended, including President Michael Caplan, QC. As previously announced, this event was combined with a formal lunch to mark the tenth anniversary of the relaunch of the Association in its present form in 2006. The guest of honour was Mrs Bryony Hill, widow of Jimmy Hill, who served as the first President from that year until his death in 2015.
Selected photos taken during the lunch are shown below, together with a copy of the programme and a summary of the Association's main events and achievements over the past ten years.
12.30 Diners (except President, Michael Caplan, QC, and Mrs Bryony Hill, Guest of Honour) proceed to their places
12.35 Toastmaster (Jeff Green, Chairman) announces the arrival of, and welcomes, President and Guest of Honour, who enter and take their seats
12.45 Staff commence service
14.00 Meal concludes; OTs not attending the lunch join diners in the Blue Room for the remainder of the reunion
14.00 President gives the welcome address and presents a bouquet to Mrs Hill
14.15 Chairman's review of activities and achievements of the Association over the past ten years
14.30 Toasts:
"The Queen" (proposed by President)
"The School and the Association" (Peter Lawson, 1936-41)
16.00 Reunion concludes